Double Wash Bay Canopy, Direct Line

Our steel canopies provide the greatest coverage, protection, pragmatism and cost-effectiveness. Direct Line contacted us regarding a double wash bay canopy for their Peterborough site so that once a car repair is comcpleted the car can have a valet. During the site visit it was clear that this was going to be a straightforward installation because of the level ground and the open work space that was utilised by the fitting team. Additionally, there was already a sufficient concrete base so we could bolt the canopy to the surface. The site visit was mainly spent going over the exact size required, which was determined by the largest vehicles at the site. We also discussed side panelling for protection against the wind and rain as well as to obstruct over-spray from the jet wash polluting the area where customers and staff park their cars. Once Direct Line confirmed the size of the canopy they opted for infill panels on both sides